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Time of worship: Wednesdays @ 18:30 hr Sundays @ 10:30 hr
Tel: +36 203819155 or +36 202016005
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Wednesday, 6 February 2013
Happy birthday Bob Marley
By Hakeem Babalola
Was it our own Chinua Achebe or one of the WS (William Shakespeare & our own Wole Soyinka) who coined that famous phrase about greatness? “Some men [or women] are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them.”
For a man or woman to be born great, his or her story must reflect that of an archetype. It must have a powerful and ever growing resonance that embodies among other themes: political wisdom, metaphysical and artistic insights. The story of a legend won’t complete without gangland warfare and periods in a mystical wilderness.
To be born great means to enjoy an icon-like status more akin to that of the rebel myth of Che Guevara than to that of a pop star. To be born great means to survive an attempt to be silenced. To be born great means to perform in front of 80,000 crowds with bullet wound two days earlier. To be born great means to be simple despite the stardom. To be born great is Bob Marley.
From humble beginnings, with his talent and religious belief as his only weapon, the Jamaican prophet applied himself unstintingly to spread his prophetic message through music.
If any one person was responsible for breaking down the barriers between reggae elitism and the pop world, Bob Marley was the man.
Prior to his appearance in the singles chart with “No Woman No Cry” in 1975, reggae chart successes had been more of a novelty. After Marley nothing was ever the same again. He became the best-known reggae artist of all time.
Birth & Career
He was born in St Annes, northern Jamaica, on February 6, 1945. His mother was an eighteen-year-old black girl named Cedella Booker, while his father was Captain Norval Marley, a fifty-year-old white quartermaster attached to the British West Indian Regiment. Young Bob grew up in the rural suburbs.
He quit school because he had only one ambition: music. It was the only way for him to be Bob Marley. The inclination in young Bob kept inspiring him toward the greatness of his short life. He began his career in 1961, creating a huge following throughout the West Indies.
His first record, Judge Not, came out in 1962. And in 1963 he formed the Wailing Wailers with friends Bunny Wailer and Peter Tosh. They released their first single “Simmer Down” during the last week of 1963, according to bobmarley.com. By the following January it was number one in the Jamaican charts. During this period he met a young girl, Rita and on February 10, 1966, they got married.
After growing up in the rural island district of 9 mile, Bob Marley had experienced hardship first hand. He was determined to give voice to those suffering hard. “He had strong feeling about watching people being oppressed,” said Cindy Breakspeare, a longtime companion, “Bob wanted to see a change”. Although the music industry almost drained his spirit, he had managed to put the Wailers on hold. He then moved to the countryside with his family, and it was there that he developed Rastafarian, said his widow, Rita Marley. Rastafarian fundamental message of black unification and empowerment rests on the street of Jamaica.
Meanwhile, since gaining Independence from Britain in 1962, his country, Jamaica had become a nation divided along ideological lines. Conservatives and Socialists traded power in often blood atmosphere, creating poverty among the people. There was heavy fight in the street with armour. And to survive in the ghetto, one had to support the party in power.
But Bob Marley saw Rastafarian and not politics as salvation. He spread the words to campaign for a change. People see the song, “Get Up, Stand Up” as the rise of a legend. Marley was taking the element of his religion into an international pop music. “Get Up Stand Up,” said Wayne Jobson, reggae expert, “is the song through which Bob transcending from reggae to Rasta leader – a song to inspire and empower. It may be the ultimate freedom fighter song of all times”.
As a true prophet, he warned us of certain things that bound to engulf us. For instance, he predicted so much trouble in the world. “The way things are going,” he sang. “Anything could happen [because they] don’t care for me, don’t care for you”. And are we not witnessing the trouble now?
“Until the philosophy [that] hold one race superior against another inferior is finally and permanently discredited and abandon…everywhere is war…me say war. And until there’s no first-class citizen and second-class citizens of any nation, until the colour of man’s skin is no significance than the colour of his eyes…me say war. Until the basic human right is equally guaranteed without regard to race…me say war. Until that day when African continent shall not know peace…me say war. Rumour of the war! War in the east…war in the west…war up north…war down south. War…war…war”
Maybe we should recommend this particular song to the United Nations. The track should be played each time the member nations gather in its New York haven.
World hit
By 1967 his songs were being recorded by other stars, including Jonny Nash who had a worldwide hit with Stir It Up. Bob Marley real break came in 1974 when Eric Clapton recorded and released his song “I shot The Sheriff”, as a single. It toppled the charts around the world, including the USA. Stir It Up, Duppy Conqueror, Soul Rebel 400 years and Small Axe were not only classics, but they defined the future direction of reggae. The message then grew more radical because I Shot The Sheriff is the legend moment of vengeance.
Bob Marley expressed in his songs the sentiment of Jamaican underclass whose patience of corrupt officers had expired. Eric Clapton blue rendition of I Shot The Sheriff “made people to be aware of this great song writer,” noted Neville Gawik, former Art Director Tuff Gong Records. He was becoming a hero to the Jamaican poor and considered a threat by the ruling class.
Bob’s popularity didn’t go unnoticed by Prime Minister Michael Manley. Seeking to woo voters, he asked Marley to orchestrate a non-political musical concert for peace in December 1976. Bob agreed. He then came under dead threat for appearing on stage with Manley, for people saw it as endorsement of the prime minister.
Obviously, Bob had a message to fulfill. “He was a serious [but simple] man who always set out what he had to do,” says Bunny Wailer. Just two days before the concert, “six gunmen” went to his house. In a flurry of gunfire, bullets hit Bob Marley’s friends, Don Taylor and Griffts. Rita, his wife, got bullet in her head.
He himself didn’t escape assassin’s bullet. Badly shaken, he was kept in a safe house in the surrounding Kingston Hill where he contemplated his involvement in the concert. Assassin bullets had failed to silence Jamaican’s voice of harmony and hope. He stood for the truth. He was seen as a man who could lead the world. His whole idea was to demonstrate that peace was more powerful force than violence and if the show did not go on, people won’t get the message.
Two days after the shooting, he was bandaged but defied Bob Marley took to the stage with bullet still in his arm. Inspired by the non-violence, Prophet Bob Marley delivered a passion and moving performance in front of approximately 80,000 crowds. The show was a triumph for a peace crusader, but he still didn’t understand why some people wanted to silence him; after all, he was helping people all over.
A realistic philosopher, he knew the assassins might get their target next time. He quietly left his homeland the morning after the show, while his wife stayed behind. He set for London and put his energy into recording.
Visit to Africa
He then returned in 1978 to play the One Love Peace Concert in front of Prime Minister Michael Manley and then Opposition Leader Edward Seaga. At the end of that year, he visited Africa for the first time, going initially to Kenya and then on to Ethiopia, spiritual home of Rastafarians. Rastafarian faith considers Haile Selassie as a black Messiah, and took their name from Ras Tafari.
He was to return to Africa in 1980, this time at the official invitation of the government of Zimbabwe to play at the country’s Independence Ceremony. It was the greatest honour accorded the band, and one that underlined the Wailers’ importance in Africa.
Around the world
Around the world, Bob Marley is seen as the Redeemer figure returning to lead this planet out of confusion. Some will come out and say it directly: that Bob Marley is the reincarnation of Jesus Christ long waited by much of the world. In such an interpretation of his life, the cancer that killed him is inevitably described as a modern version of a crucifixion.
For example, some of my students here in Hungary (15-year-olds) once came over to me, and wanted to know my opinion about Bob Marley. “Uncle Hakeem, do you like Bob Marley?” one of them said rather than asking. “Sure…why?”
“Nothing…just I like listening to him whenever I’m sad. There’s something in his music that always lift my spirit…” She needn’t go further, for I quite understood her sentiment. “It happens to me all the time,” I retorted. They all laughed, as we saw Bob Marley in one another’s eyes.
I do not know whether he was the reincarnation of Jesus Christ or not, as some people would argue. All I know is this: I admire and love Jesus Christ for what he “stands” for; I admire and love Bob Marley for what he “stands” for – equally. He was a philosopher, a deep thinker and visionary, a crusader and a genuine prophet.
Humble to the end
Yet listen to him: “Me just a simple man…a Rastafarian”.
He did not have 76 Jeeps or whatever. He never siphoned money like our politician “friends” in a country once described as Giant of Africa. I doubt if he ever used a #3 million custom watch like a Nigerian governor.
Bob Marley was never pregnant with money like our police friends or fake pastors and bishops. Neither did he use public money to build palaces like the saint in Minna who is likely to carry the wealth with him to heaven – breaking a record
His departure from this world came at a point when his vision of One World, One Love was beginning in some quarters to be heard and felt.
For instance, the Bob Marley and The Wailers’ 1980 tour attracted the “largest” audiences at that time for any musical act in Europe. After the European tour, Bob Marley and The Wailers went to America. He played two shows at the Madison Square Garden but immediately afterwards, he was taken seriously ill.
An ill-treated toe wound had developed cancer. The doctor had advised him to amputate the part otherwise it would spread. Such amputation was against Rastafarian doctrine, and so he declined. The prophet preferred to go home complete.
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Laura Brown probably believes in seeing is believing, & perhaps the motivation behind her curiosity in taking a bite before reviewing two African restaurants in Hungary. Her report may wet your appetite. Read more »
Exposed: Hungarian bar refused blacks
Laura Brown probably believes in seeing is believing, & perhaps the motivation behind her curiosity in taking a bite before reviewing two African restaurants in Hungary. Her report may wet your appetite. Read more »
Exposed: Hungarian bar refused blacks
A coffee bar named Megálló Prezzó is still not serving non-whites even after a controversial report was published about the racial policy of the management.Read more »
Editor's Mail
Love the article on Gaddafi
We must rise above tribalism & divide & rule of the colonialist who stole & looted our treasure & planted their puppets to lord it over us..they alone can decide on whosoever is performing & the one that is corrupt..but the most corrupt nations are the western countries that plunder the resources of other nations & make them poorer & aid the rulers to steal & keep such ill gotten wealth in their country..yemen,syria etc have killed more than gadhafi but its not A̷̷̴ good investment for the west(this is laughable)because oil is not in these countries..when obasanjo annihilated the odi people in rivers state, they looked away because its in their favour & interest..one day! Samosa Iyoha
Hello from Johannesburg
I was amazed to find a website for Africans in Hungary. Looks like you have quite a community there. Here in SA we have some three million Zimbabweans living in exile and not much sign of going home ... but in Hungary??? Hope to meet you on one of my trips to Europe; was in Steirmark Austria near the Hungarian border earlier this month. Every good wish for 2011. Geoff in Jo'burg
I'm impressed by ANH work but...
Interesting interview...
I think from what have been said, the Nigerian embassy here seem to be more concern about its nationals than we are for ourselves. Our complete disregard for the laws of Hungary isn't going to help Nigeria's image or going to promote what the Embassy is trying to showcase. So if the journalists could zoom-in more focus on Nigerians living, working and studying here in Hungary than scrutinizing the embassy and its every move, i think it would be of tremendous help to the embassy serving its nationals better and create more awareness about where we live . Taking the issues of illicit drugs and forged documents as typical examples.. there are so many cases of Nigerians been involved. But i am yet to read of it in e.news. So i think if only you and your journalists could write more about it and follow up on the stories i think it will make our nationals more aware of what to expect. I wouldn't say i am not impressed with your work but you need to be more of a two way street rather than a one way street . Keep up the good work... Sylvia
My comment to the interview with his excellency Mr. Adedotun Adenrele Adepoju CDA a.i--
He is an intelligent man. He spoke well on the issues! Thanks to Mr Hakeem Babalola for the interview it contains some expedient information.. B.Ayo Adams click to read editor's mail
We must rise above tribalism & divide & rule of the colonialist who stole & looted our treasure & planted their puppets to lord it over us..they alone can decide on whosoever is performing & the one that is corrupt..but the most corrupt nations are the western countries that plunder the resources of other nations & make them poorer & aid the rulers to steal & keep such ill gotten wealth in their country..yemen,syria etc have killed more than gadhafi but its not A̷̷̴ good investment for the west(this is laughable)because oil is not in these countries..when obasanjo annihilated the odi people in rivers state, they looked away because its in their favour & interest..one day! Samosa Iyoha
Hello from Johannesburg
I was amazed to find a website for Africans in Hungary. Looks like you have quite a community there. Here in SA we have some three million Zimbabweans living in exile and not much sign of going home ... but in Hungary??? Hope to meet you on one of my trips to Europe; was in Steirmark Austria near the Hungarian border earlier this month. Every good wish for 2011. Geoff in Jo'burg
I'm impressed by ANH work but...
Interesting interview...
I think from what have been said, the Nigerian embassy here seem to be more concern about its nationals than we are for ourselves. Our complete disregard for the laws of Hungary isn't going to help Nigeria's image or going to promote what the Embassy is trying to showcase. So if the journalists could zoom-in more focus on Nigerians living, working and studying here in Hungary than scrutinizing the embassy and its every move, i think it would be of tremendous help to the embassy serving its nationals better and create more awareness about where we live . Taking the issues of illicit drugs and forged documents as typical examples.. there are so many cases of Nigerians been involved. But i am yet to read of it in e.news. So i think if only you and your journalists could write more about it and follow up on the stories i think it will make our nationals more aware of what to expect. I wouldn't say i am not impressed with your work but you need to be more of a two way street rather than a one way street . Keep up the good work... Sylvia
My comment to the interview with his excellency Mr. Adedotun Adenrele Adepoju CDA a.i--
He is an intelligent man. He spoke well on the issues! Thanks to Mr Hakeem Babalola for the interview it contains some expedient information.. B.Ayo Adams click to read editor's mail
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